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The state just released the numbers. Was 12 percent in July. See the full report in the attached documents. Bottom line: Nevada  Statewide 12.1% (Seasonally Adjusted) Las Vegas-Paradise MSA 12.3% Reno-Sparks MSA 11.5% Carson City MSA 11.6% Elko Micropolitan Area 6.1%      United States 8.1%   UPDATE   Gov. Brian Sandoval: “While I am disappointed that Nevada experienced another slight uptick in the unemployment rate, I am encouraged by the fact that we continue to see signs of...
You folks aren't thrilled with Secretary of State Ross Miller's Holly Madison and Me campaign to increase voter registration in the state. Here are the first poll results: 59 percent said the ad is embarassingly frivolous while 41 percent said it was marketing genius. I bet Miller and Madison don't care. Indeed, Miller Tweeted on Thursday: " media campaign a big success; online registration increased 467% since launch" So do you stand corrected, folks? New poll coming soon...
It'll be a newsy day here in the center of the political universe, folks. The new state jobless rate will be released today -- check back by 8 or so -- and Mitt Romney comes to town to raise money and rally the base. Romney arrives this morning and speaks about 2:30 at Cox Pavilion after a luncheon event at Red Rock Station. My guess is the jobless number will come up. I'll be on KSNV, Channel 3, live talking about the rally, so tune in.  
Packed show tonight. I had five minutes with Christie, asked him about the 47 percent, Harry Reid and Mitt Romney's tax returns and his denigrating Las Vegas. I'll also respond to his comments about Las Vegas and talk about all those polls released today. I also chatted this afternoon with UNLV President Neal Smatresk about whether the university is really, as he claims, on solid fiscal footing and whether UNLV helps or hurts the state economy. And, finally, I'll have a Reality Check on that...
ABC News has posted a story today about a LDS Church voter registration drive that I first told you about here. That can only give the story more legs as the national newtwork has posted the PowerPoint (hmm, how did they get that?) that the church emailed to stake presidents, urging them to "Speak with One Voice." I'm sure that one voice wasn't supposed to be for the only LDS candidate in the presidential race.        
I will get a few minutes today with the New Jersey governor, who's acting as a surrogate for Mitt Romney. That should be interesting -- wonder if he will say, as ex-New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu did to me, "Behave yourself." Parts of the interview will be on KSNV, Channel 3's, 6 PM newscast and parts will be shown on "Face to Face" at 6:30 in Reno and Elko and 7:30 in Las Vegas.        
Rasmussen Reports released a poll this morning, which actually has a surprisingly Democratic-friendly sample, that shows Dean Heller and Shelley Berkley tied, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid disliked by more than half of the state and Gov. Brian Sandoval with huge numbers, especially for a chief executive in a devastated state. The survey by the firm, often criticized as leaning GOP, showed Heller at 42 percent and Berkley at 41 percent -- Berkley was down by nine points in July by the same...
If you are a Flash subscriber, you are slacking for not even trying. If not, you can get in on the fun and try your hand at this one: On the inaugural day of my new venture, here’s one about me: The first year I covered politics in Nevada, two Democrats were vying in a primary for a seat held by a two-term congressman who was running for another office. I can’t make this too easy for some of you, so :Who were these two Democrats, what titles did they have at the time, whose seat were they...
You could almost feel it over the last few weeks. Sen. Dean Heller, with help from his Rovian friends, has been pounding Rep. Shelley Berkley over her ethics troubles.  And despite her abysmal handling of the issue at times, the congresswoman has kept the race close. Yes, her image has taken a battering, and polls may lag that phenomenon, but this race is still far from over. So although it was out of character for Heller to resort to hyperventilating hyperbole today by calling Berkley "the...
  Welcome.   Ralston Reports may look like an ordinary blog, but it's not. It's the beginning of the latest in innovative and interactive communication with my audience. It's not a monologue; it's a conversation, one that begins before you get to work with the Morning Flash, continues throughout the day with your input on the blog and then culminates with "Face to Face" in the evening. For this to work, this must be a partnership, one in which we share and benefit. You will get what you...
