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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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You could almost feel it over the last few weeks. Sen. Dean Heller, with help from his Rovian friends, has been pounding Rep. Shelley Berkley over her ethics troubles.  And despite her abysmal handling of the issue at times, the congresswoman has kept the race close. Yes, her image has taken a battering, and polls may lag that phenomenon, but this race is still far from over. So although it was out of character for Heller to resort to hyperventilating hyperbole today by calling Berkley "the...
  Welcome.   Ralston Reports may look like an ordinary blog, but it's not. It's the beginning of the latest in innovative and interactive communication with my audience. It's not a monologue; it's a conversation, one that begins before you get to work with the Morning Flash, continues throughout the day with your input on the blog and then culminates with "Face to Face" in the evening. For this to work, this must be a partnership, one in which we share and benefit. You will get what you...
Purchase a Premium Package and you’ll gain access to all of the Ralston Reports’ exclusive content, including an exclusive column and regular features, including profiles of up and coming insiders, Q and As with prominent newsmakers, point-counterpoints and polling. Individual Subscriptions Add The Weekly Report for only $250 more and receive in-depth analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Reports | $600 Buy Premium Subscription Group Subscriptions Keep your company informed with a...
Now you can join Nevada's movers and shakers by receiving the daily RalstonFlash, with breaking news and the daily "Morning Flash" report delivered straight to your inbox, or upgrade to the premium package to also get The Weekly Report, an exclusive column and regular features, including profiles of up and coming insiders, Q and As with prominent newsmakers, point-counterpoints and polling. Individual Subscriptions Subscribe to RalstonFlash and receive one year of Flash for only $350.00. You’ll...
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I have been covering politics in Nevada for 30 years, and I am recognized as the foremost expert in the state. In 2012, I was named one of the Top 50 "Politicos to Watch" by Politico. I am the editor of The Nevada Independent, a new online, nonprofit news source launching in January 2017. I also have hosted several TV programs, including "Ralston Live" and "Ralston Reports."  I put out an email newsletter called "Flash" that sets the political agenda for the day, breaks news and contains...
This site is retired by Jon Ralston 4 years 6 months ago | 0 comments When I started The Nevada Independent, I moved this blog onto that site. Please check it out. If you came here looking for old videos of my PBS show, I am sorry they are gone. KNPB and VegasPBS took them off the Internet and tried to extort me to have copies and force me to sign an agreement that I would never put them live on the web. I refused....
