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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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        DAYS SINCE HARRY REID HAS BEEN ON FACE TO FACE: 613 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY: 46 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 29 DAYS UNTIL CD4 DEBATE ON F2F: 13 DAYS UNTIL U.S. SENATE DEBATE ON F2F: 24 DAYS UNTIL CD3 DEBATE ON F2F: 32 DAYS UNTIL THE TEEN CAN AFFECT THE POLITICAL WORLD: 294       Good morning, everyone. It's Mitt Day in Vegas! Can you feel the excitement?The Democrats are going to do their best to break through all the Romneypalooza...
        DAYS SINCE HARRY REID HAS BEEN ON FACE TO FACE: 612 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY: 47 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 30 DAYS UNTIL CD4 DEBATE ON F2F: 14 DAYS UNTIL U.S. SENATE DEBATE ON F2F: 25 DAYS UNTIL CD3 DEBATE ON F2F: 33 DAYS UNTIL THE TEEN CAN AFFECT THE POLITICAL WORLD: 295       Good morning, everyone. So Mitt Romney is the candidate of 100 percent? Well, dear Flashees, that’s not good enough for me. As you know, and as most football...
        DAYS SINCE HARRY REID HAS BEEN ON FACE TO FACE: 611 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY: 48 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 31 DAYS UNTIL CD4 DEBATE ON F2F: 15 DAYS UNTIL U.S. SENATE DEBATE ON F2F: 26 DAYS UNTIL CD3 DEBATE ON F2F: 34 DAYS UNTIL THE TEEN CAN AFFECT THE POLITICAL WORLD: 296       Good morning, everyone. Sorry I’m a little late today, dear Flashees: Big day in my life launching a new business venture, worrying about the crushing impact of...
Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform is here in Nevada, trying to affect the U.S. Senate race with a mail campaign.   You can download the piece here that attacks Rep. Shelley Berkley. It's a combination of ethics and "debt, spending and job loss." (She was not actually named one of "the most corrupt members of Congress." Only "Dishonorable Mention." But.....)
Folks, I will try as often as I can to post media on this blog, so you can see what is happening in major -- and maybe some minor -- races.   You will see attached here two pieces I received -- I am a registered non-partisan -- one from the Washoe Republican Party, which essentially is a front now as a federal PAC for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (which doesn't trust the state GOP), and one from the Democratic Party of Nevada on the presidential ticket.   The mail I receive will...
Some developments in the Nevada ad wars: Crossroads GPS is filling in its order in Reno, meaning it's hitting (probably Rep. Shelley Berkley) more and earlier. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is beefing up its buy in Reno and Las Vegas (are you listening, Sen. Dean Heller?) Meanwhile, Heller is currently outspending Berkley on Spanish-language TV, I am reliably told. But I hear some union folks are coming to her rescue. And John Oceguera, the former firefighter running for Congress...
Gondolier Numero Uno and GOP donor Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson attended a fundraiser at T Bones inside Red Rock Station for Mitt Romney, shortly before he gave a boiler-plate stump speech to a packed crowd at Cox Pavilion. The Fertitta brothers also attended the private event, as did major GOP donor Bill Brady, who hosted a previous event here for Romney. Also there were state Senate hopeful Mark Hutchison, who was involved in the Obamacare case before the Supreme Court; businessman Dan Shaw; Lt...
It's a $240,000, week-long  buy, trying to solidify women against Rep. Joe Heck -- or for Speaker John Oceguera. The ad is here. (I will be embedding video soon I promise!)    
