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Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    Tark-Heller. Thoughts? 3.    Woodhouse recall. Thoughts? 4.    Beers for treasurer. Thought   My insiders generally don’t think much of Tark’s chances, but it is early and miles to go before we vote. General disdain and sadness for the recalls from insiders of both parties. Cosnensus Beers can win. ►Right on: I'm a Republican and I can tell you this recall is silly and futile.  Honest to God when will the...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   Ruben vs. Stavros? Victoria for CD3? Ford vs. Duncan? Dems vs. Cegavske? Roberson vs… one? Thoughts? 3.   Rank most to least likely: Patty Farley switches to Dem and runs again/Titus runs for Senate/Schwartz decides to run for LG/Tark for Senate   Interesting stuff from the insiders: A real split on if Titus will run. I still say no, but several think she is in. Ford vs. Duncan is very intriguing. And...
This week: 1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    General thoughts on health care debate this week -- who does it help and who does it hurt? What are the odds this is a factor next year -- it's only July 2017? 3.    If a poll were taken today, who would have the highest name rec statewide? Rank them: Laxalt, Schwartz, Sisolak, Chris G., Dina, Jacky Rosen 4.    Who is a candidate for higher office not talked about as a candidate for higher office who could be a good candidate for higher...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    Rank from most likely to least likely and explain why: Chris G. runs/Dina Titus runs/Dean Heller gets a serious primary/Dan Schwartz runs 3.    Who is the best elected official no one really talks about? 4.    Why do the Senate Democrats, who refused to endorse him, hate James Ohrenschall? So the consensus from the insiders: Chris and Dan run, Dina probably (some dissenters) does not and Heller will get a...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   I raised this question this week: With nearly a third of the Nevada electorate likely to be neither Democrat nor Republican come November 2018, could an indie win a statewide race? What kind of candidate would it have to be -- what qualities would he or she have to possess? 3.   Who will have the most influence on the 2018 elections in Nevada and why? (Comment on the others, too.) Donald Trump Sheldon Adelson...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest political moves of the week? 2.   Trio of premium nuggets 3.  Sanctuary cities are in the news again. They clearly will be an issue that Republicans such as Dean Heller, Adam Laxalt and Michel Roberson use to club opponents. How do the politics of this play out? 4. Rate Heller's handling of the health care bill so far? And use your crystal ball: Will he eventually be a no or yes? How do the politics work for or against him? 5. Will...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest political moves of the week? 2.   Let's set the baseline odds 18 months out:  Heller-Rosen -- odds and will there be a primary on either side? Laxalt- Sisolak -- odds and will there be a primary on either side? CD3 -- Hammond vs. ? CD4 -- Is Ruben safe? Stavros Anthony? Leg control: Does either house flip? What other races are you watching? Welcome to the first Campaign ‘18 edition of the report. I’ve assembled a group of insiders...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: All about a session wrap. I’ll present each insider’s take – and I can’t thank them enough for their efforts since the beginning of the year. I asked for their takes on winners and losers, best rookies, governor’s rating and whatever else they wanted to do. A landslide of praise for Yvanna Cancela, both as a rookie chair and her shepherding of the diabetes bill – not sure I have ever seen this much consensus, from left and right and middle; the other two...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week:   1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   One week and counting: A. Chances of finishing early? B. Name the day and time of sine die C. If session goes to midnight on Day 120 or slops over to Day 121, what will cause it to go so long? 3.   How will the two major energy issues be resolved -- rooftop solar and RPS? 4.   Who will announce candidacy first after session: Aaron Ford for AG; Steve Sisolak for gov; Michael Roberson for LG; Adam Laxalt for...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? Thoughts on The Laxalt Tapes hearings. What did you learn, any fallout, any pithy comments? Many issues have been resolved or are almost resolved with two weeks left. What do you see holding everything up at this point? Is there one thing that could still gum up the works?   Usual quality insight, with many thinking no big issues (maybe minimum wage, ESAs) to be resolved but something will snag the end (so do I) and...
