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Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard this week about Nevada politics?
Early voting starts two weeks from this weekend: Can Chris G. win? Can she win a general election?
Most likely primary upset in order: Horsford loses; Tark loses; Duncan loses; Roberson loses.
No unanimity on Chris G’s chances and few other upsets seem likely to these folks:
►Serious rant: Why is Sisolak beating Chris G? Money, of course. But...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing about Nevada politics you read or saw this week?
Does Horsford getting the Culinary close out CD4? Or was it already?
Anyone else think it's weird that Jerry Tao talks about school choice and helping entrepreneurs on a website for a state Supreme Court candidate? Or that he is being handled by the same firm that is doing Laxalt and Roberson? Is there something going on here? Is this beyond weird...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week?
The Mellman poll: Surprises? What did you find interesting? Thoughts of any kind?
Does the NSEA/CCEA divorce and the new union story have any real impact on campaigns, politics, the Legislature?
Great stuff below, as always. Not surprise at Sisolak’s lead, belief Chris G. may not have resources to catch up. Also NSEA/CCEA comments are...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
What's the most interesting thing you read about Nevada politics this week?
What do you make of these totals?
Is it time to ban brothels in Nevada? Does it have a chance?
Surprising stuff from my insiders on the brothel ban and other pithy thoughts:
►Been saying this about fed races:...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week?
Thoughts on the recall decision and predictions whether Roberson & Co. will give up or keep fighting?
Does NV Energy have any chance of defeating ECI (note the $12M buy)? Or is the hope to make it close to help with lobbying Leg in 2019?
The insiders think the recalls are DOA, but are split on NV Energy vs. Switch/Sheldon. Good stuff herein...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
What's the most interesting thing you read about Nevada politics this week?
Thoughts on the Laxalt education plan?
Thoughts on the UNLV/regents/donors debacle?
Great stuff this week from the insiders, including some real insight into the higher ed debacle. And much more:
►Smart: It seems to me that people are conflating the problems. There is little doubt that the Regents are unpopular, and how they become regents is...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read this week about Nevada politics?
Thoughts with filing over?
My insiders were full of fire and fury this week, not to mention some hilarious lines. Lots of sympathy/scorn for Tark, little sympathy for Roberson, and more:
►Fixed: Rindels’ piece on the issues with Len Jessup, the Engelsted Foundation, the Regents, and the Chancellor was rich. For some reason, the Las Vegas community...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read or heard this week about Nevada politics/government?
Filing opens Monday. Make one surprise prediction of who does/doesn't file?
What is most and least likely to be true in five years: Dean Heller will be a U.S. senator/Michael McDonald will be chairman of the state GOP/A Goodman will be mayor of Las Vegas/Harry Reid will still have influence in Nevada
Good stuff from the insiders,...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
Most interesting thing you read this week about Nevada politics?
This mean anything for the campaign?
Brent Jones vs. Michael Roberson? Will that happen? Does it matter?
Insiders mostly think Ford’s favor for the trial lawyers could be problematic. But it’s...
Welcome to The Weekly Report.
This week:
1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week?
2. Your reaction to the Rob Roy interview (there will be more Sunday if you want to wait)? And how epic will the battle with NVE be?
3. What's the most interesting thing you read this week about Nevada politics/policy and why?
4. Odds of any gun control measure ever passing in Nevada?
Strong reactions, pro and con and mixed, to Rob Roy. Cynicism on gun control, as to be expected, but some real gems on stuff...