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Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. The Democrats’ unprecedented cowardice 2. The Weekly Insiders on the margin tax, including chances of a deal with the teachers and predictions of a final margin 3. A quintet of premium nuggets: Who’s behind the new anti-union effort, a split GOP (again), Flores in or out, Labor’s challenge in ’14 and Lowden-McDonald love affair. ------ I tasked my Weekly Insiders this week with looking at the margin tax as well as a telescopic gaze at what the...
Good morning, everyone. Triskaidekaphobics should be extra careful today as bad luck is everywhere. And I cannot guarantee that if a mishap befalls you that Mark Manendo will be able to fly to the rescue. I’m not sure how many heroic feats that guy has in him, so if you are worried about what might happen on Friday the 13th, best thing might be to stay home and watch reruns of “Ralston Reports.” Nothing bad ever happens there. Speaking of the program, take note: On Monday, we will finally sync...
Good morning, everyone. It’s not every day you wake up to an op-ed in the country’s best-known newspaper by the leader of Russia. Dear Flashees, if you have not read this, it is one of the more striking pieces of propaganda you will ever read. But it’s also amazing to read what essentially is Vladimir Putin twisting the knife into an American president on the pages of the country’s iconic newspaper. I’m not sure what the parochial analogue to this would be: The San Francisco city attorney...
The Washoe County Commission, of all places, started a legal ball rolling this week that could flatten legislative and gubernatorial buck-passing and affect roads, police and school tax plans in the two urban areas. As the Reno Gazette-Journal's Brian Duggan reported, the commission is going to court to try to resolve issues surrounding a bill passed by lawmakers and signed by the governor that would enable Washoe County to raise sales taxes to rehabilitate schools. But the ruling by the court...
If you are wondering why Republicans are having trouble finding a credible candidate to challenge Secretary of State Ross Miller for attorney general, consider what is occurring this month: Two fundraisers, one North (Eldorado) and one South (Wynn), that feature host committees cutting across partisan and special interest lines. The event announcements, both attached here, include: ----A slew of current (Clark DA Steve Wolfson not seen on this kind of list very often) and former elected...
And so it begins. A broad-based coalition on Wednesday filed a political action committee Wednesday, the secretary of state's office confirms, to try to defeat the margins tax, and sources confirmed this marriage of convenience also has retained national talent to gauge public sentiment and prepare strategy to scuttle The Education Initiative. The Margins Tax Initiative Research Committee (what's in a name?) is the product of  the Nevada Resort Association, the Nevada Mining Association, the...
Good morning, everyone. I was up early, as ever, working away, television off in the pre-Twitter age when the phone rang. “Are you watching TV?” my producer, Dana Gentry, asked. I was not, so I had missed the first plane hit. The rest of the day was a blur. Serendipitously, we had the Israeli ambassador scheduled for the show, a great guest. But he soon canceled, I was soon at the television station for a day that seemed to never end. Watching the replay this morning, it is still so, so...
