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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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Once again in the eye of the storm, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is being profiled, lampooned and eviscerated in the national media. Just Thursday, two new sketches of Reid appeared in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal as well as one on So in my neverending quest to be helpful to my DC friends, and as the state's (nay the world's!) foremost Reidologist,  I have prepared a handy guide of essential elements for a Prince Harry profile: 1. He was a boxer! This lends...
The Nevada electorate is split on The Education Initiative, the margin tax proposed by the state teachers union, according to a new poll paid for by the Retailers Association of Nevada, which opposes the proposal. The question itself asked whether people think the 2 percent tax on larger businesses would raise the needed revenue, and the electorate was almost evenly divided (47-46). My thought: This result will depend on how the question is asked, and the campaigns next year will determine...
Sue Lowden, the consummate Establishment candidate sliced up three years ago by the Sharron Angle buzzsaw, can only become Nevada’s next lieutenant governor by morphing into…Sharron Angle. In a transformation that will require more makeup than she ever wore during her anchorwoman career, Lowden will have to masquerade as a Tea Party conservative running against the Establishment. Instead of The Anointed One, as she was in 2010 during her disastrous bid against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid...
Good morning, everyone. It was eight years ago on this day that the first edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal was published with the Las Vegas Sun inside it. That was a result of an amended Joint Operating Agreement, first inked in 1989 and due to expire in 2040. This anniversary, of course, has a special resonance now as three Greenspun siblings are trying to make a deal with the “newspaper’s” parent company to dissolve the JOA. The new arrangement was announced in June 2005, at which time...
In a remarkable interview Tuesday, North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee brimmed with optimism about North Las Vegas, trashed two high-ranking employees he forced out, referred to his city as a “financial stinkbomb” that could hurt tourism, said he does not know anyone in his jurisdiction who has been a crime victim and compared his police force to Metro, saying, “Our cops don’t shoot people when we stop them.” I kid you not. The interview occurred Tuesday morning with KNPR’s Dave Becker and featured...
Good morning, everyone. How is your first day of the government shutdown going so far? Do you feel the apocalypse is nigh? Do you feel the “anarchists” have taken over and that Republicans “have lost their minds” in DC? (Guess who for those quotes.) Is it the Reid Shutdown or the Boehner Shutdown? So confusing. You’d almost think it’s now just about framing for ’14 (and ’16). As you know, and as re-elected Chairman Michael McDonald tweeted Monday, it’s a “new day” in the GOP. Hence, the news...
