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Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   Sandoval went hard after Heller's bill. What does it mean? Anyone think there is any chance Heller doesn't run? 3.   Anderson/Hill/Wheeler: Thoughts?   Majority think Heller will run, but mixed reviews on Wheeler – some recognize what few see (he’s pretty savvy) but most think his pro-slavery/anti-Vegas comments will be spun against him to hurt the caucus image and fundraising. On Heller, this is right on:  ...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   Kate Marshall vs. Michael Roberson. Aaron Ford vs. Wes Duncan. Your thoughts? 3.   Laxalt-Roberson-Cegavske-Duncan-Beers-Knecht vs. Sisolak (Chris G?)-Marshall-Arajuo-Ford-?-? How are things shaping up? Which ticket do you like? Fill in the blanks, too, if you can. 4.   Are the fundamentals of the Nevada economy sound? Why or why not? (Thought I'd give you one non-political one this week.)   Smart stuff, as...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1. Charting voter registration 2. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 3. Schwartz is in. Does he have a chance? Why or why not? 4. My theory is that Heller/Laxalt/Roberson are going to use sanctuary cities, etc. to drive up the rural and white vote to win. Am I nuts? Could it work? 5. Has Pat Skorkowsky been a good supe? Or is the job just impossible? Nobody thinks Schwartz has much of a chance, mixed reaction to reffectiveness of "snactuary cities"...