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A sliver of the electorate will make decisions by the end of Tuesday that will shape the races for the fall.
Here's what to watch for as the returns come in, and check my Twitter feed (@ralstonreports) tonight for results:
1. Turnout will not be much more than 5 percent today and may be half that, if past is prologue (under 6 percent the last two cycles). Two-thirds of the votes likley have been cast before today. So in Clark County, where all but a couple of key races will take place, only a...
This week:
1. Primary predictions
2. Smartest/dumbest
As always, my insiders don’t let me down, providing pithy and insightful stuff. Near unanimity on Ruben Kihuen pulling it out but split on Tarkanian-Roberson. Most think Victoria Seaman will defeat Erv Nelson, but some went with Nelson. All think a few incumbents will lose, with P.K. O’Neill, Stephen Silberkraus and David Garnder named the most. (Some think Richard Carrillo is gone.) All say Marilyn Kirkpatrick...
The Las Vegas Sands, which wants lawmakers to convene a special session this summer to pave the way for Sheldon Adelson's stadium, contributed $211,500 to lawmakers and candidates in the two weeks leading up to Tuesday's primary.
The donations, made to candidates of both parties, are highly unusual in volume and breadth so late in an election. Lawmakers, either in a special or regular session next year, would almost surely have to pass a law enabling the stadium financing scheme to divert...
Day 14, Friday, June 10: Huge day on the final day, as usual: Nearly 10,000 folks voted in Clark County. Final number of 76,500 far above last cycle's 61,000. But even with mail, the total is 90,192. That's only 10 percent.
Partisan totals are higher:
Democrats: 45,868, or 11.8 percent
Republicans: 36,125, or 13.2 percent
Bottom line: The CD4 turnout still looks to be about 25,000 or so when all is said and done, unless Election Day turnout is unusually high. And don't forget a few hundred...
Tony Baca, a member of Assemblyman Brent Jones' anti-tax caucus, has started a robocall against his primary foe, Artemus Ham, that seeks to exploit the transgender bathroom issue by invoking a notorious child murder.
The call, which I have attached here, uses the horrific 1997 murder of 7-year-old Sherrice Iverson in a casino restroom to frighten people about transgender bathrooms. "Artemus Ham is heartless when it comes to the mother of 7-year-old Sherrice Iverson," the recording says. "I don'...
This week:
1. Notes on FEC reports
2. 10 days and counting
3. Ranking the possibilities
4. Smartest/dumbest
Legislative incumbents are going to lose (Michael Roberson might, too), Dean Heller probably won’t run for governor (or he might) and much more great stuff from my insiders:
►Sigh: As much as I disagree with the notion of signing a tax-payer pledge and as much as I support the broadening of our tax base, I have to agree somewhat with the right-wing nuts'...
The gaming industry and solar companies are popular in Nevada. The Public Utilities Commission and Cliven Bundy? Not so much.
Those are among the findings of a comprehensive poll of Nevada voters taken this month and expected to be released Wednesday (I obtained an early copy) that also found Nevadans wouldn't mind taxing mining companies (what else is new?) and still don't like Yucca Mountain (despite what Ted Cruz tried to tell me a few months ago). The survey also indicated Nevadans love...
This week:
1. Interesting stuff from campaign disclosures
2. Stadium dogs and ponies
3. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week
Great stuff from my insiders on the contributions – I posted some interesting stuff I found – and the stadium.
►From a lifetime Democrat: Aaron Ford took the job at a huge personal injury firm. He was also honored by the Nevada Justice Association. He tweets and posts with enthusiasm about his close ties to trial lawyers. His contribution...
When Maddy Ralston came into this world almost 21 years ago, it was love at first sight.
I cradled her in my arms, my adopted miracle, and couldn’t stop crying. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
As she grew up, Maddy eschewed the traditional girly girl stuff. “If you get me a doll for Christmas, I’ll cut its head off,” she once admonished me.
She refused to wear the skirts in the school uniform catalogue, preferring the khaki pants. She became a full-fledged tomboy before high...