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That's the president of the United States talking about the Senate majority leader, who was claiming publicly in 2012, everywhere he could, that Mitt Romney hadn't paid his taxes for years.
So say Mark Halperin and John Heilemann in "Double Down," their sequel to "Game Change," which contained that famous "Negro dialect" passage from Reid. The majority leader did not deny he said that, nor has he denied his source on the Mitt tax story was Jon Huntsman, Sr. (I have discovered that Reid...
The full statement about Assemblyman Jim Wheeler is attached here.
I gather the caucus "wholeheartedly" repudiating remarks "in their totality" is pretty severe.
So harsh Wheeler voted for it, too!
Welcome to the Weekly Report.
This week:
1. The Weekly Insiders on GOP 2016, smartest/dumbest moves of the week, Wheeler and southern power
2. The full Wheeler transcript
3. Voter registration trends
4. A new Culinary union letter
5. Updated State of the Races -- I've made some changes in the gubernatorial odds (now it's up to a "near-lock" for Sandoval, lieutenant governor (solid lean for GOP until Dems get someone) and I've improved the odds for Sue Lowden and secretary of state now that...
You may think what I have posted below is a parody.
It is not.
You may think what I have posted below is some feverish dream.
It is not.
You may think this is another Stephen Colbert lampoon.
It is not.
No, this is a resolution passed by the Lyon County Republicans on Saturday, suggesting Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, he of the infamous slavery comments, "has come under attack by forces employing unethical (!) pressure in an attempt to manipulate Nevada's Legislature, diluting the voice of The...
Imagine the scene at the newly finished MGM Resorts arena:
Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn share the stage after delivering blistering indictments of President Barack Obama and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“And now,” Adelson intones, “let me introduce you to the next United States senator from the great state of Nevada, Brian Sandoval.”
“Say goodbye, Harry (Reid),” Wynn laughs, as the governor comes onto the stage, the crowd of convention delegates goes wild and outside a small group of...
Despite bleating from his fringe supporters that the controversy is all about his ideology, Jim Wheeler now has a public critic whose conservative bonafides are not in question.
Assemblyman John Hambrick late Thursday issued an open letter to the assemblyman who said he would vote for slavery if his constituents wanted it and who thinks Southern Nevada should be excised from the state. The missive questions whether Wheeler should remain in office:
Your recent remarks on slavery bring...