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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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In a roundtable with reporters from various news organizations, including The Washington Blade, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made some fairly stunning statements, even for him. I don't mean Reidsims, his verbal pratfalls that have become legion and legend. I mean some remarkably personal disclosures about his family and faith as it relates to his positions on social issues now that the Senate has passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. This is a continuing pattern of late from Reid,...
UPDATE ON 11/6/13: I received an email Tuesday from Jane Taber, the wife daughter of Washoe GOP boss Tom Taber, that said the following to try to distance the party from the radio show he hosted after much blowback, including the governor cancelling a party fundraising appearance: I read your summary of a recent radio broadcast that included participants from the Washoe GOP. If you are planning to update your story, following are comments from from Tom Taber, chair of the Washoe County...
I have held off writing this for some time, for reasons that will become obvious. But my patience is at an end. Let me say this without hesitation: Senator Dean Heller’s office is the most unprofessional I have worked with (or not!)  in a quarter-century of covering politics. So why should you care? Why is this relevant? I acknowledge it is impossible to write about this topic without seeming self-serving, like a peevish, arrogant journalist not getting his way. So be it. .But I have never, in...
That's the president of the United States talking about the Senate majority leader, who was claiming publicly in 2012, everywhere he could, that Mitt Romney hadn't paid his taxes for years. So say Mark Halperin and John Heilemann in "Double Down," their sequel to "Game Change," which contained that famous "Negro dialect" passage from Reid. The majority leader did not deny he said that, nor has he denied his source on the Mitt tax story was Jon Huntsman, Sr. (I have discovered that Reid...
The full statement about Assemblyman Jim Wheeler is attached here. I gather the caucus "wholeheartedly" repudiating remarks "in their totality" is pretty severe. So harsh Wheeler voted for it, too!
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. The Weekly Insiders on GOP 2016, smartest/dumbest moves of the week, Wheeler and southern power 2. The full Wheeler transcript 3. Voter registration trends 4. A new Culinary union letter 5. Updated State of the Races -- I've made some changes in the gubernatorial odds (now it's up to a "near-lock" for Sandoval, lieutenant governor (solid lean for GOP until Dems get someone) and I've improved the odds for Sue Lowden and secretary of state now that...
