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Yeah, that's it: Ira Hansen is being bullied and his character impugned by, you know, anyone who has read his horrific columns, terrible letter about gays and words during the session.
Looks like he's going the circle-the-wagons route to solidfy support: This went out today from the speaker-to-be-maybe (I removed his phone number) -- who is this "they" of which he speaks (they sound bad):
Hey everybody - thanks for hanging in there. Your support has been truly a blessing. Thought you might...
Spontaneous it ain't.
A day after those revelations about incoming Speaker Ira Hansen's columns, GOP senators, led by Majority Leader Michael Roberson, let him have it. Be it for their self-interest or to try to push Hansen out without calling for him to leave, the senators used varying degrees of harsh language to condemn the incoming speaker. Roberson & Co. didn't like it when Hansen was installed as speaker-designate, and they surely see a chance now to cripple him.
Roberson: "I...
The new speaker, already under fire for a raft of past comments and whose site says "Illegal means ILLEGAL," sent this email Thursday morning to his caucus.
Subject: Amnesty
"I am a licensed Nevada Contractor. The State of Nevada has an aggressive illegal contractor program, actively arresting and prosecuting illegal contractors. What would happen to legal contractors if all illegal contractors were suddenly granted "amnesty" and in effect allowed to be...
Fact sheet attached.