Poll: Heck destroying Angle in GOP primary for U.S. Senate

It's not 2010 again.

That's the message for Sharron Angle in a new poll for a GOP SuperPAC that shows her losing by -- wait for it -- 56 points to Rep. Joe Heck in her second consecutive attempt to take Harry Reid's U.S. Senate seat.

How do you recover from a 56-point deficit? Um, you don't. Game over. In fact, as many of us thought, no game at all.

The survey for the Senate Leadership Fund, conducted by the estimable Public Opinion Strategies firm, shows Heck at 67 percent and Angle at 11 percent. Angle and Heck are known by almost all voters, too, and her numbers, as you can see from the poll memo below (I've seen the entire survey), are upside down. The survey was taken late last month of 500 Nevada voters and has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Heck probably was concerned he might have to tack to the right or spend a little money. He doesn't have to do much of either.

This isn't just buyer's remorse among Nevada GOP voters; it's "give me back my money with interest and I'll never shop here again" remorse. Angle is a Dead Woman Walking.

NV GOP Senate Primary Key Findings Memo by Jon Ralston
