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WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Post-primary thoughts: Regale me with your insight, top of ticket to bottom and what the portents are for November. Before I go on, just a reminder that this is the last edition for awhile. I am disappearing – or a reasonable facsimile thereof – for a month or so. I fear the insider who warned we are in for one of the darkest...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. All right, finally: PRIMARY PREDICTIONS! Go as far down the ballot as you want with as much commentary as you want with point spreads if you can.   Lots of interesting predictions from the insiders, some of whom say two Assembly incumbents (Cohen/Gonzalez) are going down. That would be the first salvo from the gamers/business...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. If you were running a Dem's campaign this year, what would be the top three pieces of advice you would give? If you were running a Repub's campaign, same question? 4. Any last-minute TV/social/mail jump out at you? 5. Does Uvalde/Buffalo/any of the other shootings change the dynamic for November at all? Is there a middle...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Your take on the Pro Publica story we published: Political fallout, substantive fallout, any thoughts at all. Will it cause lasting damage or will it blow over? What do you think? 4. Thoughts on our poll results this week in the statewide GOP primaries (more coming tomorrow)?   Some really thoughtful stuff from the insiders...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Two weeks until early voting -- any new thoughts? Lombardo locked or worried (with Trump)? You think McMahill gets to 50 percent plus one? Chattah or Black? Marchant or Haw? Laxalt-Brown -- did the debate matter (did you know there was one?)? Any thoughts at all as we get closer? 4. Are there issues developing for the general...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. I know it's early, but what is your reaction to the candidate reactions to the leaked Roe draft and what is your best guess on who it helps/hurts here in November? 4. Do those endorsements from the state GOP last weekend mean anything? Change your prediction in any races?   Really excellent stuff this week from the insiders,...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Trump endorsement for Lombardo: Game over in primary? Hurt in general or not? Other thoughts? 4. Is there any endorsement these days in a Dem primary in NV that is comparable to getting a Trump endorsement for a GOP candidate? Anything close? A game-changer? Interesting stuff this week from the insiders. Lots of Kevin McMahill...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Any thoughts on our poll results on races and issues? I was most surprised by the rent control numbers. You? (I know Repubs are probably scoffing at the race results, but I'm less interested in those. They don't matter much yet.) 4. It's only April but rank from biggest impact to lowest impact these factors on '22 here: Biden'...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The KBJ confirmation got me thinking about ascension of minorities in America. Name the next true leaders in Nevada from the Black, Hispanic and AAPI communities, and tell me why you chose each person. They can be in office already or from the private sector. Thoughtful stuff from the insiders on leading minorities in Nevada....
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. State of education in Nevada: What is it? Melody Rose, a promising chancellor, resigns. Sad state of CCSD -- did you see our IndyTalks event this week? Some rich interloper -- Robert Beadles -- is trying to remake the Washoe district. Any reason for hope? 4. The death of Spike Wilson hit me hard -- a gentleman legislator from...
