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WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. What is your take on the latest iteration of the state's COVID-19 plan? Does it make sense? Should people have faith in the state's decision-making? 4. The current Las Vegas City Council appears to me to be the worst body in state history? Is it? In your experience, what are the three worst?   Pretty robust return rate for a...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Thoughts on RNC? If any.... 4. How much is NV in play? Strikes me that minus the pandemic, it would be out of reach for Trump. But with Dem machine turned off, it's only slight lean to Biden. Am I right? And how does this all bode for down-ticket races here?   Some great stuff, as always, from these folks. Most everyone thinks...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The second special: Be kind if you can, brutal if you need to be. Highs and lows? Winners and losers? Ultimate political fallout, if any. Vent away. 4. The Trump lawsuit, mail election, etc. Thoughts?   Not much to add to the insiders, who were both brutal and trenchant this week. I will believe the GOP IEs in the legislative...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Special Session II: Thoughts? Pitfalls? What to watch for? Predictions? Length? Say whatever you want.... Robust turnout from the insiders this week, and to a person, they are as brutal as they have ever been. The growing consensus among business/gaming lobbyists that the all-Dem control has become truly inimical to their...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The session: Vent, predict, analyze, praise, lambaste, whatever suits your fancy. 4. Can Jara survive? Should Jara survive?   I am going to write a column about this session, but when I do, as much as I have to say, I am not sure I can be as disgusted, cynical and brutal as the insiders were this week. There is a lot of truth...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. General thoughts so far on the session? What's your guess on length of this one and subject matter for second special? Will there be a third? Some really brutal stuff from the insiders this week. I remind you that this is a good mix of Dems and Repubs, and I have to say there is growing consensus that there was not adequate...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The election is finally over. 138 days or so left. Set the odds for the general: Biden-Trump in Nevada? Dem supermajorities in both houses? CD3 and CD4? Anything else that interests you? Some harsh stuff this week from the insiders – much of it deserved, although I am surprised how negative some of my smart and reasonable GOP...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Any thoughts on the election results? 4. The budget disaster is coming into focus. How should they fix it? How will they fix it?   Some very good stuff from the insiders this week. I, too, noticed that the Republicans probably cost themselves any real chance in CD3 or CD4 with their nominees – I grant you there are many days...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Recent events have shined a light on race relations everywhere. Where do you think we are in Nevada on the spectrum of Mississippi of the West to utopia, and why? 4. Any election predictions?   About half of the insiders took the primary seriously and made some interesting predictions. I am just not sure about that SD7 primary...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. How do you feel about Phase 2 beginning and casinos reopening: Relieved? Nervous? Is it time? What do you expect? 4. Rate the governor as we enter Phase 2. And even though it is a long time before he is up, what are the ticking time bombs: unemployment payments, budget cuts, something else? How does he come out ok? Can he?...
