Sandoval nukes Switzerland

MORE, 6:55 PM:

Chamber spokeswoman Cara Clarke flatly contradicted the Tax Foundation rep who told me (see below) that the report was not commissioned. "We had it commissioned," she told me, adding the group has asked the foundation to analyze all the proposals.

Get your stories straight, people!


The chamber begs for forgiveness:


"The leadership of the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce apologizes to Governor Sandoval for the tone and tenor of the recent analysis issued by the Tax Foundation. While the Tax Foundation acted independently and the Metro Chamber was provided no editorial control, we recognize, as do others, that the report's misplaced style and commentary obscures the facts and data underlying the analysis. Please be advised the Metro Chamber is no longer using the services of the Tax Foundation.

"The Metro Chamber has worked hard to foster an honest, direct and thorough conversation about the principles underlying sound tax policy. We are still in the midst of analyzing each of the proposed tax measures to determine impacts on our members and the economy before taking a position. We are focused on and stand for what's really important:  solving Nevada's education challenges and ensuring there will be adequate funds to do so. We will continue working in good faith with the Governor and give thoughtful analysis to each of the proposed tax funding options. We are committed to moving forward with all key stakeholders to find the right solutions because there is so much at stake for the future of Nevada."


Why do you nuke Switzerland?

When it's faux neutral and its consultant out a study destroying your tax plan. Methinks the governor is a tad upset:

“The report issued today by the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Tax Foundation is utterly irresponsible, intellectually dishonest and built upon erroneous assumptions.  I know I am not alone in expressing my disappointment in the Chamber’s judgment especially for an organization that repeatedly claims to want to help move Nevada forward.   Moreover, this act sits in direct contradiction to what the Chamber’s leaders have expressed to me on several occasions privately in my office,” said Governor Brian Sandoval.  “The only good to come from this stunt is that for those of us who are working in good faith to solve Nevada’s education challenges, it removes all doubt about where the Las Vegas Chamber stands. I believe the Chamber’s leaders have done their membership a terrible disservice and have harmed the credibility of an organization that purports to stand for education,” concluded Sandoval.

For the record, Tax Foundation expert Jared Walczak said the chamber had nothing to do with the study:

This report was not commissioned. We are careful to clearly indicate any such affiliations on such pieces, as we did with the book​ we produced for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber.
We would undoubtedly have written about the BLF proposal under any circumstances; it's a uniquely poorly-structured tax, the sort of thing we tend to dissect. Beyond that, though, we've spent a lot of time in Nevada, and we want to see this process through. After all the time we've spent testifying in Nevada, we felt that further analysis was appropriate.
