Brutal mailers hit Jim Wheeler from PAC

How badly to do some Republicans want Assemblyman Jim Wheeler out?

Judging from the mailers hitting in his district, and funded by a PAC set up to defeat him, the answer is: Pretty badly.

Calling an elected official a "local nut" and a "national embarrassment" ain't exactly subtle.

The mailers come courtesy of the Nevada Republican Majority PAC, set up by Genoa resident James Hartman. Hartman was a longtime GOP official in Northern California who has always loved Nevada and recently moved here. Hartman says he was "appalled" by the controversial comments about rape last cycle by Senate contender Richard Mourdock in Indiana and Todd Akin in Missouri, which he lamented painted the entire party as anti-woman.

"Then I come to Nevada and find the local assemblyman made comments that are even more incendiary," referring to Wheeler's suggestion that he would vote for slavery if his consitutents wanted him to. "It is an outrage. It diminishes the entire Republican Party."

Hartman said he "has the time and the initiative," so he formed the PAC and has reported a $3,000 contribution from the truckers lobby. Other concerned folks will appear on future reports, he said.

The mailers are attached here.

