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If you believe an internal poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, if you think it's more than name recognition after a statewide bid, if you believe this was released for any reason besides fundraising, then you need to increse your political education. Lucy Flores crushing everyone else? Ruben Kihuen, Susie Lee and John Oceguera might as well get out now. Here's the memo, courtesy of Politico Pro: From: Tom Jensen, Director of Public Policy Polling To: Interested Parties Subject: Lucy...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1.    The likely CD3 candidates 2.    Who won’t be on the ballot in ‘16 3.    Who will lead the Legislature in ‘17 4.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? My team of insiders had the usual great insight. State Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson is likely to have a CD3 primary, but could he actually lose it? Some think Justin Jones, ousted by Team Roberson, may be the general opponent. Others think Ross Miller, but I think he passes – young kids,...
  Jon:                 Secretary Clinton, welcome to Ralston Live.  Thanks for coming on.  You repeated a line today in your speech to NALEO that you said Las Vegas when you were at a high school a few weeks ago and it was “If Congress continues to refuse to act,” this is on immigration reform, “as President I would do everything possible under the law to go even further.”  You know what the President’s powers are.  What do you mean specifically?  What could you do more than the President has...
Here we go again. Supporters of Rand Paul's presidential campaign have begun their attempt to cement the campaign's control of the Republican Party apparatus in Nevada by trying to elevate one of their own to the chairmanship of the largest county party, using the Kentucky senator's name to boost his candidacy. Using a picture of Paul to motivate supporters, superimposing his likeness onto the iconic Uncle Sam Army recruiting poster, the Paulites are trying to stack a meeting next week to help...
American Gaming Association President Geoff Freeman has sent a letter to presidential hopefuls informing them "it is imperative" that they learn about the industry as they seek votes in Nevada and elsewhere where casinos are prevalent. "While gaming’s presence is largest in Nevada, it is not limited to the Silver State," Freeman wrote. "As you travel to other key presidential states, you will quickly realize that gaming is no longer a niche, novel industry, but a nationwide, quarter-of-a-...
Conservatives didn't get everything they wanted in a new collective bargaining law. But they secured enough so-called reforms to embolden Clark County managers to make some changes. Service Employees International Union officials have protested and found allies on the board: Chris Giunchigliani and especially Tom Collins, who has responded by comparing Chairman Steve Sisolak to Scott Walker. Sisolak said he is following the advice of Clark County Counsel Mary-Anne Miller, who said the county...
A few days after he announced his candidacy, Jeb Bush rolled out some Nevada backers. Rep. Mark Amodei leads the list, which also includes several lawmakers and former first lady Dema Guinn, a consummate Establishment luminary. Assemblyman Pat Hickey Tweeted about his support Wednesday morning. Also on the list: Lawmakers Greg Brower and Lynn Stewart, like Hickey considered moderates (and backers of the governor's education plan, which Bush influenced, and his tax package); and Las Vegas...
Here's the report from the credit rating service, Moody's, in reaction to the Cark County schools deconsolidation bill signing: Local Government Clark County School District, NV Reorganization Poses Uncertainty, a Credit Negative Last Thursday, Nevada (Aa2 stable) Governor Brian Sandoval signed legislation that requires a reorganization of the Clark County School District (A1 stable) into smaller entities by July 1, 2018. The law calls for advisory and technical committees to develop a plan for...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1.    Insiders on: Heck vs. Masto 2.    Insiders on: Blowback from Session ‘15 3.    Insiders on: What is the AG up to? 4.    Insiders on: Will the governor be Brian Sandoval when Session ’17 begins? Campaign ’16 has begun. What, you didn’t notice? (Danny Tarkanian already is talking to people about CD3, for instance. Fifth time the charm vs. Michael Roberson?) So I have assembled a large group of campaign experts from business and gaming, the political...
Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen, once lobbied by Sen. Harry Reid to hire his son as city attorney, now wants to give Josh Reid a lengthy contract extension with built-in salary boosts that eventually would amount to more than a 20 per cent increase. Hafen put the item on next week's council agenda right after a standard item for Reid the Younger's annual evaluation, asking his colleagues to approve a second contract extension for the city attorney, who makes $208,000 a year and would be at more than...
