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      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Legislative stuff. DAYS UNTIL THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE ENDS: 26 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY 2014: 545 DAYS UNTIL THE TEEN CAN AFFECT THE POLITICAL WORLD: 78       Good morning, everyone. I’m winging my way to Carson thismorning, hoping to be greeted with the same enthusiasm that enveloped Nick Cage on Tuesday. I expect rose petals in the hallway and fawning over my oeuvre. I bet the Gang of 63 especially...
Good morning, everyone. It’s not every day that one senator calls another “a schoolyard bully” on the floor. It’s even more infrequent that the Senate majority leader does it to the next president of the United States. But that’s what happened Monday. The latest Reidism doesn’t even surprise anyone, does it? And here’s the secret: I bet a lot of his colleagues, as always, loved Reid for saying aloud what they will barely whisper. By the way, Reid’s comment came on the six-year anniversary of...
Good morning, everyone. Confession time from the weekend: Yes, I enjoyed “Iron man 3,” as I became part of the second-largest opening in movie history. Yes, it was loud and silly and yet somehow still Marvelous. (It helped that The Teen actually was willing to go to a movie with me.) And, of course, any movie with the great Guy Pearce and the incomparable Ben Kingsley can’t be all bad. (I also saw “Disconnect,” a true must-see movie, dear Flashees, but prepare to be disturbed.) Speaking of...
Good morning, everyone. In 2011, it was way too late, on Day 88, that Democrats presented their tax and spending plan. It made a lot of sense, but it never had any chance. It was stillborn. It quickly disappeared. Why do I bring this up? Because Thursday was Day 88 of Session ’13. And still, in the session that was going to be DIFFERENT, we still have no plan from the Democrats, even though we were promised one early – or at least by this week! So why don’t we have a plan? Because, as one...
Good morning, everyone. Sorry this is late, dear Flashees, but I am still trying to get over my Economic Forum hangover. It’s hard to imagine something more exciting and exhilarating than four guys and witnesses talking about numbers all day long and then not changing much of what they though six months ago. Talk about a contact high – I got intoxicated just sitting there. It’s hard to imagine a stranger day in Carson City than Wednesday with Steve Wynn’s chief financial officer upstairs...
Good morning, everyone. I suppose it was inevitable, but last night Stephen Colbert spent a couple of minutes ridiculing the patient dumping story. Although the Democrats sent out a late-night release on it, impying he went after Gov. Brian Sandoval, not so. But there were some brutal lines in his “The Word” segment – note the groans from the audience as they seem astounded by the facts of the story: “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless what happens in Vegas is psychosis.” And on the...
UPDATE, 10:12 AM: Turns out Democratic congressional candidate Erin Bilbray, who actually has Jewish relatives, is holding an event on Yom Kippur, the most holy of the High Holy Days. And on Friday the 13th. Here's  the invite.   The Jewish High Holy Days begin Wednesday with Rosh Hashanah. And guess what else is happening? These:
